Monday, July 14, 2014

Lifetime Minneapolis-Lessons Learned

Well, Ross and I spent our 6th year!! anniversary heading to Minneapolis for the Lifetime race. We got to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (with no cheesecake since it was the night before the race-haha), but I got my favorite meal, Bang Bang Shrimp! I love curry dishes! I was hoping to go off with a bang at the race, but, my body decided not to participate in that idea.
The week leading up to the race, I developed a really bad skin infection-like I have never experienced before. I thankfully usually don't have skin issues so I didn't know what I was getting into. Anyway, it developed in to MRSA, which is a really really bad infection that includes skin boils/abscesses that often have to be drained and are really sore. I had several of these! At first it started off pretty mild, but grew and became quite painful. My mind was constantly preoccupied with the discomfort so that was not fun leading up through race prep. I wasn't sleeping well either. I was put on 2 antibiotics at one point and had some incisions to clear the abscesses. This finally helped things turn for the better and I was more comfortable and left town with hopes of racing feeling intact.I knew there was a chance that swelling would be too bad yet and it would be too uncomfortable overall to compete. But, I took it one day at a time and decided I was ok to go and hoped my body would be ready to hit it Saturday morning. Boy, was I wrong!
I was pretty tired the day before the race despite getting better sleep and having lighter training. I just didn't feel right, but also felt loose and could "fake" it through my pre-race workouts again thinking that my body would come around race day. I woke up race morning and had thoughts like, "wow, I just need to get this done." "I can't wait until it is over." "I am not sure how this is going to go." I also was hoping it would storm and the race would be shortened or something. I confess! These are not race ready thoughts! Oh my goodness. Why didn't I listen to those and just not race? Ugh....the competitive drive I guess. I always like to try at least because you never know what the body is capable of. Especially as I believe, I can do all things through Christ who gives me inner strength. I chose to focus on this. Anyway, maybe the Holy Spirit was telling me not to race! Can you relate to the battle? :)
So I raced, it was a rough one. I had a really great swim start! Got right out there and had a good first 100 or so, but then it went downhill so fast! I just had no high end despite my trying. I was last out of the water, blah, but just stuck with it and decided to have my best bike. The bike was not any better-it just hurt. I even thought, "oh if only I could just get a flat and have to stop." haha. I was not really able to get much out of high end tempo effort. So, I decided to stick with it and not reach for what wasn't coming. Instead I focused on technique. Gave me something to focus on around the negative feelings and thoughts I had. Then I got off on the run (I passed friend, Matt Gangelhoff in the transition area so we shouted at each other-that was a highlight!) and still wished I could stop, but I just decided to stay steady and at least finish. I focused on technique again and actually didn't run too terribly considering how I felt. The run felt the best out of the 3 disciplines. It was still painful though. Just lack of any high end or speed changes. I still crossed the line with a smile as I was thankful for the opportunity to be there and thankful I was safe and DONE! Then I was greeted by a drug testing chaperone. A bunch of us had to get drug! haha
Now, I realize I didn't have to put myself through that. I learned after the fact how much an infection can take out of your body. I am not sure why I underestimated that so much. But yeah, lesson learned. Better to pull the plug sometimes and get better to be at my best for the next one. I am continuing to feel better, but I will be sure to learn from this experience. Ross and I still managed to have fun and got to hang out with Frank Mallot who happened to be in town for work. It was fun to connect with a couple of the other pros too.
So I am moving on to the next race with is scheduled for Sunday (5150 Kansas!) and will go as long as I am all better. :)
Thanks for reading! Here are some pictures that were taken from the race! See-I was smiling at the end...haha. :)

 I am riding with my new bike position. Dale from Village Bike Shop has been helping achieve a more aggressive/aerodynamic position! I am really liking the changes.
I am the one with the XTERRA speed suit. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Abby - Way to tough it out!! Hopefully, you'll be able to make it to Kansas 5150! I'll be out there racing with a group from Tri4HimKC. Looking forward to seeing you again! - Ken Bramble, Tri4HimKC Team Captain.
