Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 Seaston wrap up

Hello! It is that time in the year again where the intensity of training backs down, I get to rest the mind and body, and dream about the next season! 2012 certainly had its challenges, but it offered plenty of learning opportunities as well. I had several solid races to the start of my season, but did suffer an injury in the middle of the summer. I developed some serious tendonitis in my glute of all places! Literally--a pain in the butt! Anyway, this injury prevented me from being able to run, bike intensly, and do glute strength work, which was tough to endure patience through. I had to be okay with going through the motions for awhile with light training. While this injury was a setback (reflecting back over the season), I can still be thankful for the many races I was able to compete in and for the improvements I made despite the setback. I belive my 2012 season was where I made significant gains in my swim, allowing me to come out of the water with the main chase pack at elite nationals and put me in a solid position for non-drafting races at the start of the bike leg.
I learned the importance of balance in life and training (well, I am still learning about this and what this looks like!). I realized it can be so easy to just go go go and get stuck going through the motions forgetting to step back and reflect on how I am enduring the workload (in and out of training). I am finding when I am out of balance, I don't recognize when I need more rest and/or if I am on the verge of injury. It is like symptoms almost get masked. Anyone else know what I am talking about? On that note, it is important to remember to pay attention to my life outside of training too!

Anyway, I ended my season with the Race to the Toyota Cup Championship race in Dallas, TX on October 7th. Ross and I were pumped to be leaving MI since it was supposed to 50s and rainy--the Fall weather was moving in. Well...Dallas was not offering any warmth and sunshine. Shocking really! Race morning it was in the 40s, cloudy, and not warming up or getting sunny (the day before was the same). I was thinking I wouldn't be too affected by this since I am from MI- and usually when I race Reed's Lake in September it is in the 50s. No big deal! Well, it was a challenge, but you can't focus on what you can't control. I did my best with that, but coming off the bike with cold, numb feet was something different to experience...ha! I had gotten sick the weekend before the race and while I tried to ignore the symptoms and any effect it might have on my race, I still felt under the weather. the cold weather didn't help that either. Boo. Eventhough, I put together a solid race, not what I had hoped for, but ended up 8th in a very solid field of pros. It was definitly a bitter-sweet end to the season, but again, I am so thankful for the many race experiences I did have. It was challenging to not let doubts creep in at times knowing I hadn't been able to put intense training and solid strength work for a good period of time. Good mental toughness training though!

At this point, I am fully healed and working on my weakness to be even stronger for 2013! I look forward with great anticipation. I will be working on my schedule as dates come out. Exciting to look foward (all while having some good off season reflection)!!

Thank you to all of you who follow and cheer me on! I appreciate the support so much!

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