Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Run workout excitement

I took some generation UCAN before my treadmill workout at Fitness 19 tonight. I have been taking this for just about 2 weeks now before my quality workouts. I just had to write about how excited I am with how the workout went! I ended up putting in just shy of 10 miles (big deal for me!) that included 5 broken miles faster than race pace. It was tough, but I tell you what, I was mentally solid/stable all the way to the end so I could keep pushing the paces I needed to. I was seriously shocked! Usually I am shot and just wanting to get off because my legs are so tired and/or I am mentally just done. You know the feeling? Well, I felt like I could have put another fast mile in if I needed too. I didn't get that fierce hunger aftewards either from a blood sugar drop. I was able to come home and take my time with my dinner and make something really quality. This had not been the norm for me. I tend to get done with a quality workout and have to force myself not to raid the cupboards while I make my meal. This has helped me from overating and making poor choices! I am just so tickled that I felt so solid! I did a long run (1:30) and the same thing happened where I felt like I could keep going at mile 11. What?! That's crazy talk! UCAN helps the body learn to use fat a fuel and keeps the blood sugar constant--huge for the mental aspect. I didn't even realize how much blood sugar drops affect the brain until I experienced the product. This feeling was just so normal for me-didn't think too much about it. It has been a good learning curve to note other subtle changes about my body fucntioning and put them on my radar. I am still in an adjustment phase with the nutrition product, but I am loving it so far. I got to meet the generation UCAN representatives when I went to my Tri4Him camp last weekend in Dallas. It was neat to ask many questions about the product in person and learn more about the science behind it. It's an interesting and pretty amazing product!

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